Holstein Québec advisor
Roxanne Montplaisir
450 778-9636 Poste: 236
At the Papineau Holstein Club, we follow the path mapped by our forerunners, pursuing the promotion of both the Holstein breed and Holstein breeding. Our club was founded in 1970.
Our objectives are:
In our view, an active club with an interesting program attracts breeders of all ages, heightening their interest and enthusiasm, which can only lead to better Holstein breeding.
The Papineau Holstein Club is located in the western territory and includes the counties of Gatineau and Papineau.
Welcome to our club!
Jonathan Reilley (WILVOC)
Tel.: 613 551-7726
Caroline Martel
Tel.: 514-826-7057
Steve Leduc
Tel.: 819 664-0411
Marc Blais (TOP)
Tel.: 819 981-0737
Julie Reber (WILVOC)
Tel.: (819) 209-1624