
Pontiac Holstein club

18 members

Holstein Québec advisor
Roxanne Montplaisir
450 778-9636 Poste: 236


At the Pontiac Holstein Club, our raison d’être is to promote the Holstein breed and Holstein breeding.

Our objectives are:

  • To improve the Holstein breed in Quebec through the organization of about four different activities in which our members are invited to take part each year ;
  • To establish ties between breeders to foster a spirit of cooperation and solidarity among members, while developing a sense of community within the Club.

In our view, an active club with an interesting program attracts breeders of all ages, heightening their interest and enthusiasm, which can only lead to better Holstein breeding.

The Pontiac Holstein Club is located in the western territory and includes the county of Pontiac. Some of our members also reside in the counties of Gatineau and Deux-Montagnes.

Welcome to our region!


Board of directors

President, secretary, publicist & Sale manager