Breeding school

For over 15 years, during the Thanksgiving weekend in October, Holstein Québec has been contributing to preparing the next generation of dairy breeders by offering young farmers, aged 18 to 25, the opportunity to take part in various theoretical and practical workshops related to dairy breeding.

During the three-day program, participants attend conferences on calf care, livestock marketing, farm transfers, pedigree analysis, genetic strategy evaluation and dairy herd production analysis. Practical on-farm workshops give students the opportunity to apply their newly gained knowledge in the areas of classification, sire selection, animal appraisal, body condition scoring and animal comfort.

Turn theory into action with the Holstein Québec Breeding School!

2024 Breeding School

The next edition of the Holstein Québec Breeding School will be held from October 11 to 14.

More details to come.

Visibility opportunities are available. Check out our offer (French only) and contact Angèle Hébert for any question.

Angèle Hébert | 450 778-9636 poste 224 |