COVID‐19 Pandemic – Instructions and guidelines from Holstein Québec

The spread of COVID-19 remains a serious concern. The government is adopting all necessary measures to limit contagion as much as possible. All citizens and employers must adapt their practices regardless of the inconveniences and disruptions arising from these exceptional circumstances, and we must behave appropriately and responsibly.

The Quebec premier is calling for solidarity in our efforts to avoid the unenviable scenarios playing out in other countries. In the current situation, recommended practices are based on the principle of “social distancing”, which means applying measures aimed at minimizing interaction and physical contact among citizens. This rule applies to Holstein Québec and its network of Holstein clubs as well, and as an employer and a citizen, we are required to implement measures that support efforts to reduce the spread of this virus. Community is an important value in the dairy industry, one that we often emphasize. Now is the time to demonstrate that we believe in that community and stand together in adopting the recommended measures in our society.

Here are the measures thet are recommended and we will be implemented by Holstein Québec:


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