
Memo to Holstein clubs regarding annual meetings and social events in the context of COVID-19

Many of you have been asking us – and rightly so – about club annual meetings, social evenings and awards events, which are usually held in the fall. Many of you are asking for guidelines. After discussing the issue among committee members and the team, we have decided to send out this memo. While it is difficult to provide guidelines applicable to all, we would like to give you the following points of information to help you make decisions appropriate to the needs and reality of the situation in your region. Regardless of the type of activity, please keep in mind the following points that we describe in the memo below.

Avis aux clubs AGA 2020_anglais


To print the document, click here.


Priority Services: Gradual Resumption of Services

Notice to producers and service providers in the dairy industry
Follow these recommendations until further notice

On April 28, 2020, the Quebec government announced that activities affected by the COVID-19-related pause would gradually resume. The various regions are required to reopen gradually. All health measures must be taken as the activities resume. It is strongly recommended that you wear a face covering whenever you cannot stay 2 metres away from others. Whenever possible, activities that can be held remotely should continue to be held remotely.

After analyzing the documents published for our sector by the government authorities, the main partners of on-farm services and Les Producteurs de lait du Québec (PLQ) identified the measures that should be put in place to limit the risks of virus transmission within the industry as much as possible while services gradually resume.

Here are the measures we recommend and will put in place.


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We are delighted to inform you that Ferme JM Valley Holstein and the Bas-St-Laurent Holstein Club will be hosting the 2021 Holstein Québec Picnic.

You’ll find more details in the attached press release.

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Saint-Hyacinthe, 15 April 2020 – It is with heavy hearts that we announce the postponement of the Holstein Québec Picnic that was scheduled to take place on 11 July 2020, at Ferme Valrick, in the St-Hyacinthe Holstein Club region. Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic and the directive from government authorities prohibiting the holding of large gatherings during the summer of 2020, the Organizing Committee, the St-Hyacinthe Holstein Club, and management and the board of directors of Holstein Québec have decided to postpone the 2020 edition of the Holstein Québec Picnic.

Holstein Québec has analyzed a number of possible scenarios taking into account the purpose of the event. After due consideration and consultation, Holstein Québec and the Organizing Committee have decided to postpone the Picnic planned at Ferme Valrick until July 2022. The specific date will be decided upon later. Anyone who has already purchased a ticket for the Steak and Fries Supper will be reimbursed.

You’ll find more details in the attached press release.

To print, click here.

Have you taken the time to look at the latest genetic evaluations?

The new genetic evaluations were released on April 7! Always interesting to watch these new numbers and the effect on the indices of males and females of your herd! Do you know the change to the mobile base that takes place n Canada for the 2020 April new genetics evaluations ?

Here is a brief explanation to help you understand!

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!



COVID‐19 Pandemic – Update from your Association

The spread of COVID-19 remains a serious concern.

As of March 25, and until April 13, as requested by Premier François Legault, the Holstein Québec office will be closed to comply with the closure of all nonessential businesses and show our solidarity with the population in reducing the spread of this virus. The safety of our members and our employees is of utmost importance to us, and Holstein Québec wishes to demonstrate its social responsibility and accountability to the community. The safety of our members and our employees is of utmost importance to us, and Holstein Québec wishes to demonstrate its social responsibility and accountability to the community.

Accordingly, our team is currently teleworking, which means that we are providing our services and operations by remote access only. No visits will take place until further notice. We applaud the efforts and dedication of our dairy producers, you who are working tirelessly even in this time of crisis, and we sincerely hope that you remain in good health. You are ensuring that Quebeckers continue to be fed and we support you in your efforts and are extremely proud to represent you. Thank you!

You will find important information on our remote services as well as on upcoming events in the press release below.


To print, click here.


COVID‐19 Pandemic – Instructions and guidelines from Holstein Québec

The spread of COVID-19 remains a serious concern. The government is adopting all necessary measures to limit contagion as much as possible. All citizens and employers must adapt their practices regardless of the inconveniences and disruptions arising from these exceptional circumstances, and we must behave appropriately and responsibly.

The Quebec premier is calling for solidarity in our efforts to avoid the unenviable scenarios playing out in other countries. In the current situation, recommended practices are based on the principle of “social distancing”, which means applying measures aimed at minimizing interaction and physical contact among citizens. This rule applies to Holstein Québec and its network of Holstein clubs as well, and as an employer and a citizen, we are required to implement measures that support efforts to reduce the spread of this virus. Community is an important value in the dairy industry, one that we often emphasize. Now is the time to demonstrate that we believe in that community and stand together in adopting the recommended measures in our society.

Here are the measures thet are recommended and we will be implemented by Holstein Québec:


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2020 Holstein Québec Convention: like old times!

Saint-Hyacinthe, 14 February 2020 – Last Friday saw the close of the 85th annual Holstein Québec Convention, where over 450 people gathered to exchange views and get involved. The Saint-Maurice Maskinongé Holstein Club had set the stage at the Delta Trois-Rivières Conference Centre to welcome the whole of Quebec to the event held on February 5, 6 and 7.

You’ll find more details in the attached press release.

To print, click here.



Nomination of Marilie Pelletier to the position of interim advisor for Central Quebec

Saint-Hyacinthe, 10 January 2020 – Holstein Québec is proud to introduce Marilie Pelletier as interim advisor for Central Quebec, taking over from Roxanne Montplaisir for the duration of her maternity leave. Marilie will begin work on 13 January 2021 and be integrated gradually into the activities of Holstein Québec during a transitional period with Roxanne Montplaisir, who will be away on maternity leave as of February 22.

You’ll find more details in the attached press release.
